Sunzen International is a major business and one of 5 subsidiary of Sunzen Group that focuses on resource integration to enhance the value chain of bird’s nest industries. Sunzen International has actively develops overseas markets and implements a few downstream derivative product brands of bird’s nest by strengthening and innovating sales channels.
Our Brand
The name that carries our well-developed products is known as Tangsri Bird’s Nest. Tangsri was founded in 2021 under the umbrella of Sunzen International with one goal in mind: to deliver the exceptional quality of bird nest’s food extensions for consumers of all ages. By providing the highest quality of Malaysia bird’s nest to wide consumer base both domestical and global markets, the brand strives to produce varied products and expand the business into relevant markets while striving to meet the constant demanding needs of the public.
Cupshape Bird's Nest
Stewed Bird's Nest
Bird's Nest Mooncake
Bird's Nest Coffee
Our Products
Living in a fast-paced environment, many find themselves constantly moving from one duty to another, from one place to another. Understanding the needs for a healthier lifestyle with little time available, we have integrated bird’s nest into our products. The four main products Tangsri offers are Bird’s Nest Coffee, Bird’s Nest Mooncake, Stewed Bird’s Nest and Bird’s Nest Cup.
Bird's Nest Coffee
Bird's Nest Coffee
Bird's Nest Mooncake
bird’s nest slices which gives the perfect balance of delightful taste and nourishment.